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Why Do Cats Purr?

Why Do Cats Purr? Purring is the most common noise a cat can make, but why do they do it? Unfortunately, there is no scientific proven answer to this question. It’s like asking “why do human’s laugh?” We laugh when we’re happy,…

Heartworm Incidence in the United States

Heartworm is a serious, but treatable disease found in most canine breeds. It involves a series of small, filamentous worms forming in the various ventricles and arteries of the canine’s circulatory system. This, rather predictably, is not the best for…

Pet Body Language: Know How Your Pet Really Feels

Animal Body Language Cats and dogs are very expressive creatures, but not in the same way humans are. How can you tell if your pet is happy, sad, scared or sick? Learn more about the key body language signs that can…