

Best 4 Pets is dedicated to providing users with a comprehensive list of qualified veterinarians, rescue organizations and pet services in a given location. Our site presents recommendations to those seeking specific pet services based on a financial commitment on behalf of these businesses. The information on the profiles of this site is taken from the businesses themselves and from searching the internet for data on each practice or organization. The rankings of these businesses/organizations is based on our employees research and is entirely subjective.

With the exception of 501(c)(3) rescue/humane organizations who are given month-by-month fee exemptions, listings on lightsalmon-oyster-366001.hostingersite.com are granted to businesses/organizations who have entered themselves through our fee-based submission form located at lightsalmon-oyster-366001.hostingersite.com/get-listed. These fees are required to keep our platform running, allowing us to continue to provide our users with the most qualified pet care services and information.