Welcome to Best4Pet’s Q&A. A place for rescuers, vets, fosters, and animal lovers alike to share ideas, tell success stories, ask questions, give advice, and more! It is our goal to create a positive community of people who work to help animals help one another succeed. Together, we can save them all!

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There are 5 paws under each profile pic can you help us give them names?
October 2, 2017 - posted by
Unanswered | 0 Responses | 491 Views

Each paw will be associated with receiving bones or treats in response to your questions or responses. THese are given by members of the community only. Our first paw will probably be around the 250 treat level 2nd paw at 750, 3rd paw at 2,000, fourth paw at 3500 and fifth paw at 5,000. We need a name for each level of success and we are totally open for something clever. So a first paw could be "Puppy Lover", second could be "Doer," third could be Rescue Expert, etc.
You do not have to keep to a specific theme but remember we want people to be proud to say they are rated "Animal wonderful" or whatever on Best4Pets so that others want to be involved.