Wildlife Rescue & Rehabilitation, INC


335 Old Blanco Rd, Kendalia, TX 78027
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All times are based in CST
Call Today (830) 336-2725
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Wildlife Rescue’s Vision is that humans come to see that we are members of a vast life community, that we experience the proper gratitude and respect for this community, and that we live in a more appropriate and compassionate manner in relation to the whole.
WRR was founded in 1977 in San Antonio, Texas. Since 2001 its primary base of operations has been located on 212 acres near Kendalia, Texas, a property which was purchased through the generosity of three of our supporters.

Years in Business



  • Charity Navigator - Four Star Charity
  • Earth Share Texas
  • BBB Accredited Charity
  • Global Federation Accredited
  • Combined Federal Campaign