PUPS: Prevent Unwanted Pets


1884 Bostik Rd, Cat Spring, TX 78933
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PUPS is a 501 (c)3 charity non-profit organization dedicated to helping decrease the number of unwanted/euthanized animals in our area. Our mission is to assist people with the spaying and neutering of family pets, feral cat (barn cat) colonies and abandoned animals to decrease pet overpopulation.

We subsidize (help pay for) the neutering or spaying of dogs and cats whose owners need the financial aid. We focus on families who are low-income, or who just cannot currently afford the additional expense. Veterinarians in 7 counties west of Houston, Texas assist us by doing the surgeries. We are not a shelter, but have a limited number of foster homes for a select few animals. We will assist the community, along with local animal control officers, by placing pets into their "forever" homes.

Years in Business