The house in Oyster Bay is a closed–admission sanctuary for homeless cats that are rescued primarily from Animal Care and Control and The Mayor's Alliance for NYC's Animals. It features outdoor enclosed runs and offers a home–like atmosphere where the cats live uncaged (unless illness necessitates temporary caging). Caretakers live on the premises to accommodate daily care for the cats. Our on-site staff veterinarian checks each cat on a regular basis and provides any medical treatment necessary. All cats are vaccinated, tested for FELV/FIV, sterilized and microchipped. New cats are quarantined for 30 days prior to introduction to the resident cats. Due to our small size, we are unable to accept cats from the public. When space allows, we rescue and provide medical care for cats slated for euthanasia from overcrowded city shelters or the Mayor's Alliance through the New Hope Fund. The New Hope Fund was started through a generous donation from Sandra Atlas Bass and has continued with a generous grant from Maddie's Fund.
Years in Business