914 Whitfield Road, Freeport, FL 32439
Open Now
Sun12:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Sat12:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Sun12:00 pm - 5:00 pm
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Call Today 850-880-6399
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Alaqua Animal Refuge, an independent, nonprofit organization located on Florida’s Emerald Coast, advocates the general welfare and humane treatment of animals by providing shelter, prevention of pet overpopulation and adoption services. Located on 10 acres in the town of Freeport, the refuge was formed by Walton County, Fla.-resident Laurie Hood in 2007 when she discovered that countless animals were being euthanized due to the lack of a no-kill shelter/adoption organization in the area. Since that time, Alaqua Animal Refuge has helped find homes for more than 10,000 animals. Currently, up to 100 animals are adopted per month from this unique rescue facility, which serves as a true refuge for more than 250 animals at any given time.

Years in Business



  • Global Federation Verified
  • Great Nonprofits - 2014 Top-Rated Nonprofit
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