Animal Samaritans SPCA (Thousand Palms)


72307 Ramon Rd, Thousand Palms, CA 92276
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Animal Samaritans has been improving the lives of animals and people since 1978. Combined, our veterinarian staff has more than 150 years of experience caring for dogs and cats. Our veterinary clinic provides quality & affordable pet care that includes pet exams, pet vaccinations, pet dental care, x-rays, blood work, spay & neuter services, and other animal surgeries. Animal Samaritans also operates a no kill-animal shelter for dogs and cats. From our animal shelter, we provide pet adoptions, pet foster care, and run our Adoption Alliance animal rescue program. Our Humane Education department provides free education on pet safety, pet health, and pet owner responsibilities to area schools, while our Pet Therapy programs provide free animal assisted therapy to disabled children.

Years in Business