
February is Pet Dental Health Month

How are you maintaining your pet’s oral health?

Over 85 percent of dogs and cats over four years old are affected by oral disease. Pet dental care is one of the most overlooked health concern for pet owners.  In honor of National Pet Dental Health Month, the Best4Pets team wants to help you stay educated on what you can do to keep your pet healthy and happy!

Veterinary Dentistry

Did you know that most dental disease occurs the gum line where it is hard to see? Dental diseases can lead to additional problems such as heart, lung, and kidney disease. It is important to have your vet take a good look at your pet’s teeth during exams in order to detect a more serious health concern before it gets worse.

According to AAHA standards, dogs and cats should start receiving dental cleanings under anesthesia by age one or two. Check with your vet for recommendations regarding when and how often you should be scheduling pet dentistry cleanings.

What Can I Do for my Pets Teeth at Home?

In addition to oral exams and cleanings, there are things you can do on a daily basis at home that can help keep your pet healthy. Chew toys are not only good for keeping your pet from chewing on furniture, they can also help massage your pet’s gums too! Make sure to look for toxin-free chew toys to give to your dog.

Does your dog have a case of bad breath? Look for treats that are designed to clean your pet’s mouth. If your pet’s bad breath continues to get worse contact your vet for an oral exam. Bad breath can be an early detection of health concerns.

If you are up for the challenge, you can even brush your own dog’s teeth. This is a process that requires time and patience but will be worth it in the end. You can buy pet toothpaste at your local pet store. Start by allowing your pet to warm up to a small toothbrush, then work your way up to brushing for 30 seconds at a time. Always treat your pet with a reward after you are done brushing.

Feline Dental Care

Veterinary dentistry is just as important for felines as it is for canines. It is crucial to remember to keep a close eye on your cat’s oral health including regular cleanings and checkups.

Your cat’s diet may be the easiest way to maintain good oral health on a daily basis. Feeding a variation of wet and dry food as well as mix fish and beef will help, as well.

Although it may seem quite daring to brush your cat’s teeth yourself, it may be easier than you think. If you cat is still young, try getting your feline used to regular brushing while they are still young. Older cats may be more resilient to the idea, but you can use the same warming up techniques above. Use your finger and gauze with pet-approved toothpaste. Cradle your cat and lean their head back to make the process easiest.

Finding a Vet Dentistry Clinic

Best4Pets is a great resource to find a vet dentistry clinic near you. We only publish the top-rated vet clinics, most of which are AAHA accredited. These vets have the technology and equipment to keep your pet’s teeth clean and healthy year-round.

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