8 Tips for Stay-At-Home Dogs It can be tough to be a dog owner who is out of the house during the day. Leaving a dog alone for long periods of time can lead to boredom and stress. Often times stay-at-home…

Your Ultimate Guide to Healthy Pet Weight. We all want a healthy and happy pet which includes having a pet in a healthy weight range. In fact, almost 60 percent of cats and dogs are considered overweight or even obese….

Vets for Birds: and how to find them. You love your pet bird. No matter if they’re a parakeet or an African Gray, they’re funny, cute, sociable; some even talk! So when is comes to your pet becoming ill, where…

Should I Declaw My Cat? Declawing is one is the most talked-about debates among cat owners. This procedure may seem like a quick fix to prevent damages from your cat scratching, but in fact, this is a painful surgery that is…